Transformative adaptive coaching
Based in counselling psychology, transformative adaptive coaching is a therapeutic approach, rather than tests and numbers one. My role is to be a trusted and honest companion in your reflective journey to attaining and maintaining your most genuinely fulfilling life.

Paul King MSc, BHSc(Hons), BSc, GCertBHSc, MNZPsS
Transformative adaptive coaching is for people who have a nagging feeling that they aren't fulfilled, and would like to be. For those who have become aware that things are not coming right for them, and want some help getting on the right track.
This might be a wistful feeling of 'is this it', an unease, an awareness that something's off, even feeling like an imposter. It might be more troublesome, and involve feelings of depression and/ or substance/ behaviour anomalies. It could be unease at work, at home, or any situation.
The way to find the right path is cathartic reflection to really understand yourself and how you best occupy your own space in the world. Then this needs constant maintenance. This is work that should only be done with a suitably qualified person.
There are many ways for people to obtain certificates in life coaching of coaching of some other kind. Coaching is seen as an unregulated way to make a lot of money.
I have a Master's degree in psychology, awarded for my original research into "imposter syndrome", by the University of Auckland. I also have an honours degree and graduate certificate in health science (psychology) from Auckland University of Technology, and a BSc in applied chemistry from University of Hertfordshire. I'm a member of the peer-nominated New Zealand Psychological Society, and an associate member of the American Psychological Association.
I am also a licensed and qualified financial adviser, a professional member of the Financial Therapy Association, and have mentored dozens of SMEs. I have a corporate background in financial services. Also, an artist, and musician.

Things you won't find here, or with me:
- Lego - Lego isn't for senior people, not even "serious play"
- Workbooks - This is not a pre-determined, or worse, a pre-purchased, course
- Gimmicks - see above
- A long list of clients and testimonials - Wouldn't you be a bit concerned if you found a psychologist advertising their clients names?
- First meeting (in-person, zoom, or telephone or other) - no charge for the first 45 minutes)
- Hourly rate - $155ph inc.
- Monthly retainer - $500 inc. (up to 6 hours, then $155ph)
Corporate rates/ retainers by negotiation.